Wednesday, October 2, 2019

III: The Hunter's Mark

There are things hiding in this Forest. They are not those who form their own tiny societies, trying in vain to stave off the Forest's influence and pretend to still be human. No, they stalk the landscape of what was once Seattle and hunt down those they view as prey. They are covered in moss and plant matter, and they eat the flesh of those they can.

I had a run-in with a hunter earlier today. I heard it move behind me in the underbrush. I turned around as I drew my pistol, but it still looked human, and I faltered. That was before I saw the patch of fungal growth around its mouth, the knife of shattered rock bound to a lump of wood it carried in its hand. I backed away, but it slashed me across the chest. I shot it- once, twice, three times. It twitched each time, and it finally stopped moving just as the deafness from the gunshots faded out.

I know it wasn't human. But if the Forest could make me human again, couldn't EAT have progressed something like that, brought it to our level?

It does not matter. As soon as I'm done recovering from my wounds in this makeshift shelter, I need to keep moving. I have to run faster than the Forest grows if I am to avoid becoming something like what I killed today.

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