Tuesday, October 1, 2019

II: Progression and Regression

I do not know how much the world knows. My phone only connects to this website, and there is no cell reception to allow me to contact anyone I once knew.

For background, I drowned after a car collision at the age of 19. But the liquid I drowned in was not water, as much as it looked like water. It was something called EAT, and as it entered my lungs, it entered my mind, taking over my consciousness and replacing it with itself.

EAT is a being of evolution. It seeks to learn and progress and become something new. So when a forest formed in what was, at the time, Seattle, Washington, a forest that embodies regression and reversal and unthinking instinct, it changed me back to what I was. It did not, however, change me back to who I was. That, I am still working on.

I have had difficulty readjusting in the time since becoming human again. Even setting aside my issues with my personality, I have to eat things, to sleep, to walk places. I cannot sustain myself on consuming those who drown within me, rest by going comatose, move along axes that would break me if I tried to remember them now.

I have, after all, regressed.

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